How to Celebrate Valentine's Day as a Family

How to Celebrate Valentine's Day as a Family

Posted by Melissa Kleinman on


(Photo courtesy of @chantellessentials)

Before you became a mom, Valentine's Day was all about celebrating your romantic partnerships or spending time with your fellow lonely heart friends. But all that has changed now that you have kids. Maybe your little ones won't surprise you with a dozen roses or a box of fancy chocolates, but spending the day with your brood instead of out to dinner as a couple, can make February 14th extra special--because at the end of the day, Valentine's Day is all about love anyway.

Here, some of our favorite ideas on how to celebrate Valentine's Day as a family--kids included!

Dockatot Cooking Ideas

They say the best place to someone's heart is through their stomach! Spend an hour or two in the kitchen with your kids baking up some sweet treats. Whether it's heart-shaped cookies or a heart-shaped pizza, food is one of the best ways to share the love. 

Dockatot Valentines Day

(Photo courtesy of @ialfaros77)

Dress up--at least a little bit. Put some bows in your hair, wear something red or find a floral top. Your kids can get it on dress-up, too!

Find some heart or Valentine's Day-inspired temporary tattoos and get creative!  

Create a Valentine's Day scavenger hunt and hide heart-shaped pieces of construction paper around the house.

Valentines Day Dockatot

(Photo courtesy of @hcatorres) 

Cuddle up and read some of your favorite books about love together. Find the books you loved as a child and start a tradition of reading them together every Valentine's Day.

Dockatot Anja Maria

(Photo courtesy of @anja_mari) 

Teach your kids all about your favorite flowers and the role that plants play in our lives. You can help your kids create a flower arrangement with you--mix and match many different types of greens and flowers. Or create a paper flower arrangement! 


Celebrate love by doing something together as a family like watching movies, cuddling or even cleaning the house. Show your kids that their company makes everything better. 

La vie en rose dockatot

Get in the mood for Valentine's Day with the La Vie en Rose floral DockATot cover! 

Parenting How-To's

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